The HP Philips PageWriter 300/300i delivers a wealth of advanced features designed to save you time and simplify the acquisition, interpretation, storage and transmission of ECGs.
HP Philips PageWriter 300/300i
Product Description
The HP Philips PageWriter 300/300i delivers a wealth of advanced features designed to save you time and simplify the acquisition, interpretation, storage and transmission of ECGs. This standard cardiograph captures accurate, simultaneous 12-lead ECGs on full-size paper with no cutting or pasting. And it features an alphanumeric keyboard, so you can enter patient IDs in seconds.
When you move up from the PageWriter 200 to the 300pi, you get the same highly accurate adult and pediatric interpretive algorithm used in our PageWriter XLi cardiograph. And its built-in ECG Analysis Program produces reports that include ECG measurements and analysis statements. What’s more, the PageWriter 300pi also offers advanced predictive instrument programs especially helpful to physicians making critical decisions in Emergency Departments.
ACI-TIPI (Acute Cardiac Ischemia – Time Insensitive Predictive Instrument) helps you predict the probability of acute cardiac ischemia, while TPI (Thrombolytic Predictive Instrument) helps you identify patients having acute myocardial infarction who might benefit from thrombolytic therapy. The PageWriter 300pi is a light-weight cardiograph for use in offices, clinics, and hospitals. It offers an unbeatable combination of quality and value.